The Third Malta Masters Basketball Tournament is being organised over the weekend of Friday 25 September to Sunday 27 September 2015. Six local and international teams will be participating in the Men’s Over 40 category which is being held at the Ta’Qali New Pavilion. Meanwhile for the first time three Ladies teams will also be competing in a separate competition which will be held at the Tal-Qroqq Sports Complex.
In the Men’s Category the winners of the past two editions, Tal-Ajkla and London Eagles will be competing against MSC Falcons which is a team of Serbian nationals based in Malta, two teams from Malta Masters and a team from Latvia who will be taking part for the first time. The Ladies Competition will see the participation of two local teams and a team from Sussex, UK
After having extended support to the Malta Community Chest Fund during the past two editions, this year the organisers have decided to donate proceed to Puttinu Cares childrens’ cancer support group which works towards optimising the well-being of children with cancer and their families by offering on-going support to minimize the financial burden thereby enabling parents to concentrate on the task of caring for their sick child.
This initiative would not have been possible were it not for the financial support of a number of organisations namely, Farsons, Pharma MT, Red October, Rado Systems, R & J Gingell Littlejohn, Cafe Rafael, Ofion Software and Fun in Malta. The organisers would also like to thank the Malta Basketball Association for supporting this Tournament.
Further details may be found on the web-site by following the link and also on the Facebook page.
Also please check the Playing Rules and Putinu Cares authorisation letter here.
Here is some info about accommodation.